
It trickles in and out and ebbs and flows like waves rippling between your ankles as you stand on the shore glued to a sunset.

It’s not always painted with a cinematic brush. And when it is, it can be just as much slasher/horror flick as it can be romcon.

It starts as nervous butterflies that trigger endorphins and just like that can switch to anxiety riddled belly flips.

It’s never what you expected and can either humble you or hollow you out.

It can stamp your passport with memories or stomp out your purpose with passive aggression.

It can build you up or bottom you out.

It can make your face hurt from laughter and bliss and just like that it can break the bones in your hand from all the walls you’ve punched in desperation.

You can go from living your wildest dreams to sleeping on a twin bed in your closet just so you have a safe place to rest.

It’s ribbons of water that can either soothe your sun kissed soul or drown you if you get in too deep.

It’s nothing like you thought because we’re taught that love is pink hearts and cute messages on bathroom mirrors scrawled in steam.

Love is choking back your tears of pride and excitement but it can also wrap it’s hands around your neck while you’re sleeping just to remind you of your worth.

It’s not just one way. It’s every way. And yet in some cases, It’s no way to live it at all.

The Goliath to our David

I know I said I was going to post more and I swear, my intentions were to do just that. However,  lately I have been in underwater funk of depression/lethargy that I just can’t quite completely pull myself out of and I just haven’t felt like my words would matter to anyone else. I have good days, even good weeks from time to time, but it sneaks up on me when I least expect it. Which I think is the scariest part of this disease.

Depression/Anxiety Disorder and  Mental Illness  can do that to people. It can take the most confident appearing friend or family member and turn them into someone you barely see or hear from. It can shatter your good mood like a ceramic bowl and will leave you to piece yourself back together without a single care about the slivers you might get in your fingers or how after you try to glue it back, it will never look the way it originally did ever again. It’s fickle in who it tortures and laughs in the face of anyone who tries to take it to task. It’s the Goliath to so many Davids. And there are no rocks big enough to ever really take it down.

And, sadly,  what I’ve found since I started working in the adult  industry is Depression isn’t just living among us…it’s the mother fucking dictator of our super small community. Maybe it’s because a lot of us come from a place of hurt, whether we experienced it in our youth or later  on in our lives. Or maybe  we are the most vulnerable because we march to a drummer who’s beat no one else can appreciate. Whatever the reason, it is here. And it needs to be addressed more.

In the last few months there have been five suicide related deaths in the adult entertainment industry that we even know of. And with our professions being stigmatized and discriminated against not just by our peers or family but by high public and government officials it can feel like the weight of the world on our already over burdened shoulders is going to break us.

I spent the greater part of my life feeling like I was never good enough or what I did have to offer was only acceptable when the lights were dim and the clothes were off. I never felt appreciated or respected or that I had any value. And,  as I have aged and matured ,I have found that is simply not the case…my depression can resurface and very easily convince me everything I learned about my self worth has been a lie. No matter how strong you think you are, and no matter long you think you have been fighting and winning, it can slam you to the floor with one whack to the back of your knees and remind you who is boss.

With that said, I just wanted to poke my head in the room and let you all know that while I am still here…I, and countless women and performers you admire and lust after, are fighting battles you know nothing about behind the scenes. And we need your respect, patience, empathy and understanding just as much as we need your financial support. Ask your favorite cam girl how her day is. Buy her content. Tell her you look forward to seeing her. Give her space when she seems down. Refrain from being rude, sexist or abusive. And be more than just a client…be a human being who cares and worries and wants nothing but the best for the models who provide you company when you need them.

I promise to open the door more and come hang out with you  if you promise to read my words and apply them every and any chance you can.

Life is all about give and take and compromise and I look forward to doing that more with you guys.

Be good.




Flash Your Tits and Travel The World

Have you ever wanted to just get on a plane and see new places but just can’t seem to find the extra coin to make it happen?

Well, if you have a computer or lap top with a built in web cam with  access to WI-FI and a sexy, fun attitude you totally can.

About two years ago, I went to an adult lifestyle convention looking for fodder for my podcast and what I found instead was not just a sexy outlet for my inner deviant but also a way to support my family with still enough left over to do the things I love. Namely, packing a bag and seeing the world.

If you’re reading this now and I’ve caught your attention, feel free to e-mail me at for more details.


Freeloaders and perverts and jerks…oh my!!

Someone asked me today how I do my job when I have to deal with so many free loaders, perv and jerks.

Here’s the thing:

Once upon a time, I used to work for a major pharmacy chain. And during that time,  I had customers who tried to steal drugs, products, and even store shelving and carpeting. Another time, I had a guy come in to purchase his Cialis whose dick “accidentally” fell out of his pants when he reached for his wallet. And finally, I had a patient spit into my face when I refused to sell her hypodermic needles without a prescription.

So, essentially to answer the original question…YES!! There are dicks at my job, but this is true no matter where I’d work.

I just happen to be naked at this establishment.

You’re not the king of my minutes

Nothing makes me want to punch the piss out of a dude more then when they feel they have a right to be upset if a cam model doesn’t “stick” to her schedule.

Like, who died and made you the king of my minutes?

Part of the reason I even DO this job is because of the flexibility it allows me. I can parent, work another job, stay social with my peers, travel, or just lie in bed with a half empty bowl of cereal on my chest. Whatever the situation, I’ll get online when I can and when I am able and while I appreciate your loyalty it doesn’t grant you permission to be a dick to me simply because you can’t watch me when YOU are ready to do so.



Monee’s Two Cents (A Gigantic Bag of Dicks)

Camming while you are in a relationship is a tricky pouch of puckered assholes. It’s one thing to be single and independent and no one to answer to.  It’s a completely different experience to get on cam every day and have thousands of people wanking to your image while you diddle your bits and then have to explain or even rationalize  to another person who may or may not catch butt hurt over your shows.

And while more cam girls are single than involved, it takes a special kind of dynamic to be in a relationship and keep it intact. If you’re significant other knows everything about your job and not only accepts it but does their very best to help you, support you and be your right hand fucking man…hold on to that mother fucker. They are a rare, rare breed.

A lot of guys will SAY they would totally be okay with their lady friend shoving toys in her holes in a public chat room.  However, more often than not, they would end up being total dicks about it.(Sorry guys..just telling it like it is)  Women are over sexualized on a daily basis as it is.  So imagine sitting in a chat room with a bunch of horny dudes who are expecting to be entertained no matter your mood, or feelings or what you may be going through and then after you are judged, belittled and harrassed for 3 hours you get to have the same exact shit happen to you all over again except the person making you feel those things is someone you’re dating. How much would THAT suck??


So, yeah… if you’re single and thinking about hooking up and falling  in love while you’re camming professionally, make sure you are open and honest and pick a person who thinks you’re the shit and who isn’t a jerk.  And if you’re already in one,  congrats one finding a person who isn’t a gigantic bag of dicks and keep that shit up!!

Bob Villa Ain’t Got Nothing on Us

It’s exhausting to hear about how many people  think camming or sex work is not an actual job.

It’s even more frustrating that our biggest critics are viewers without tokens who DO not and WILL not contribute to the community except to drag it in the mud and talk shit about things they simply cannot afford and just don’t understand.

You see, turning ON your webcam means turning OFF everything about yourself.  And while some will interject and disagree and even say part of the reason they have done so well is because of how real they actually are..I am going to call bullshit and let the chips fall where they may.

Here are my examples:

If you are having family problems, you can’t just blurt out that your mom is facing eviction or your husband was just laid off because there will always be people who are only focused on tits and bits and who can’t maintain  a hard-on if all you’re going to talk about is how fucked your life is.

Yes, some of your ACTUAL personality will eek’s inevitable.

However, If you are fighting with your spouse, you have to dry those tears good and hard and pretend you’re not bothered by the bullshit that is your personal life, and instead deal with other people’s personal shit storms instead.

And, If everyday is a struggle financially,  you can’t talk about how you hate eating Ramen or how you’re about to have your light bill cut off, because no one wants to hear that you have problems. They have a boner they can’t see past,  and you have to make it go away by sharing as little ABOUT yourself yet as much OF yourself, as possible.

We aren’t just web cam models or sex workers, it’s like we are woodworkers and architects as well because you need to craft and create a crate inside your brain that will be big enough to store the parts of your personality that others may deem unsexy.

This BULLSHIT BOX,  is where you will have store your feelings, thoughts, emotions and all your self doubts until after you say goodbye to your viewers and disconnect from the internet. Not because you can’t be yourself on cam. As a matter of fact, most guys like when you’re relatable and honest and seemingly down to earth. However, You have to do this because you need to treat every cam performance like it’s a full day on set with a film crew, producer and director yelling cut because it ISN’T real life. It IS a show. And just because there are viewers out there screaming for the realness, we also have to think about our protection and our self preservation so that instead of us just stripping ourselves raw and open and vulnerable we are also able to keep little pieces of ourselves FOR ourselves.

So, before you bring the hammer down on a cam girl for not appearing like she’s hard working and for not fulfilling ALL your needs as they arise, you better make sure your tools are heavier and more bad ass than hers because she’s been building boxes and slinging hammers for years and she’s got a mean upper swing that will smash your expectations to pieces.


FYI: Don’t tell us to get a job

It always tweaks my melon when people assume that the life of a cam girl is an easy one. While it may look like we just “flop around on the bed like a fish” the job actually requires a lot of thought , prep, and in some cases stamina just to get through each and every show.

Let me break it down for you…

  1. This gig is NON STOP talking, thinking, acting and always being “on”. It’s not just conversation, but interaction and not just staying engaged but appearing to be interested that you’re doing all three. Despite our home life, medical conditions, stress and daily ups and downs we have to paint a smile on our faces and help YOU forget about your troubles for a while. All the while putting our own on the back burner.
  2. Here’s something a lot of people don’t ever think about either, most shows need costumes and ideas and thoughts before the camera ever gets turned on. While I am sure some wise ass will say that they have been in the room of an online sex worker and watched her stare mindlessly at her phone doing and saying nothing, I can assure you..that bitch is the exception to the rule and all they are good for is making the rest of us hard working mother fuckers look bad. Let me paint you a picture. Imagine going shopping all day for a pretty new outfit, going home and shaving, moisturizing and doing your hair and makeup, all with the anticipation of going someplace special when you were done. And then after all the time and money you invested in how you look and feel, the only place you go is your living room to sit in front of your computer and hope that the hundreds of people looking at you and judging you manage to cough up enough nickels to help you cover what it cost before you sat down.
  3. No two shows are EVER alike. Even though our circumstances stay constant and consistent (i.e bills and responsibilities)The work??  Not so much. One glorious day you may make $500 and feel like you are untouchable,  the next 3 you might barely make $35 and feel like dog shit.  And while you put just as much effort into both days, the outcomes are never the same.  Imagine showing up for work every day and then your boss telling you that you were only going to get paid for three out of the seven days you showed up? It would totally suck.
  4. You can’t always talk about how awesome you think your job is. Not everyone in your family or inner friend circle is going to be okay with you getting naked online and diddling your bits for nickels. While the inner sanctum of the sex work community is inclusive and understanding there’s still lots of fucking people walking around with their judgey hands stuffed in their pockets ready to point fingers and shame us. So, not only do we have to DO the things people think are dirty…we don’t always have a safe place to vent about how that makes us feel.
  5. And the biggest suckiest part of this job? Are you ready?  Some of you guys are assholes. Imagine being in a bar or an office filled with 200 women who are ready and waiting for you to do something entertaining. 5 of them are nice and chatty and keep buying your drinks,  140 are just sitting there staring at you so hard your skin hurts and the rest are just being douchey dicks to you for no reason other than they can.  It’s true, this job is not for thin skinned individuals but we are still human beings.  And while the majority of viewers think we should MAN UP AND DEAL, our feelings are valid and worth more than any token package you may buy.

In closing..don’t tell us to get a job and stop begging. Last time we checked, we already have one.  And while it might not be ideal to most, it’s part of who we are,  it’s ours and it’s perfect for us. So, either shut up and support us or GTFO BB.

Cam Convos of the Day

  1. If and when a cam girl tells you that she is sad or in a bit of a rut and may or may not need some cheering up or distracting, that does NOT mean you should offer her sex as a tissue. I know it’s hard to sometimes think about anything other than yourself, but when you see real emotion, quit trying to slip your dick into it.
  2. The discussion got heated when the topic of Victoria’s Secret came up and how the company just doesn’t like fat people. After much back and forth, it was decided that the only available option would be for me to learn how to sew so that I can create a line of panties that will look exactly like the one’s they sell in VS just in a bigger size for the 60% of the female population that have some goddamn meat on their bones.
  3. I think the most important thing we touched on today is how even though you will run into an occasional dip shit…there is still good in this community. And when it comes into your life, it is magical.

Thank you to every one who has rallied with me during my moodiness and stuck by me even when I’m a confusing cunt.

I love everything about you, fuckers!!


Cam Convos of the Day

Much like we do all the time, We talked about a bunch of different shit today.


Here’s the quick abridged version:

  1. Apparently some cam girls are squirting directly into containers or receptacles to collect their squirt. (why this is happening, exactly, I have no actual idea.) This kicked up the age old debate on whether squirting is an actual thing or just pee. However, I reminded everyone that in the end it doesn’t matter because the bigger issue isn’t  authenticity  but more about why you think purchasing a product covered or filled with someone’s (WHOM YOU DON’T FUCKING KNOW) bodily fluid is a good fucking idea!!
  2. We attempted to school some Grey’s on how to ask for things when they are rocking a zero balance, which then spawned the phrase NO TOKENS, NO STROKIN’S.  I’m patenting that shit.
  3. Butt pimples are an occupational hazard, so to speak. However, that doesn’t mean anyone should have to look at them if you find yourself with a zit covered tush. Dab some Maybelline on that bitch!!
  4. I admitted how I don’t have a problem with nicknames. If you are tipping, you can call me Grandma for all I care. Grey members should either learn my actual name, my room rules or how to sit with their hands folded in their laps like good broke little bitches because it’s not what you say but how you say it and money speaks louder than words. Or something like that.
  5. If you type a bunch of nonsensical gibberish I am going to assume that you are being held captive somewhere and trying to get a message out and I will do my best to alert the authorities. Or silence you…either one.
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